Electronic Music Tales
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Electronic Music Tales
..a trip to ambient and experimental music....
December 2017
January 2018
November 2017
Installed a very powerful sequencer with four channels from Industial Music Electronics, the Stillson Hammer
30/12/17 21:15
Finally, one of the last Clouds from Mutable Instruments arrived
27/12/17 21:11
Say hello to Intellijel's Rainmaker and Qu-Bit's Chance (and another case)
23/12/17 21:08
added a pitch quantizer from Tiptop Audio and more Mutable Instruments modules
16/12/17 21:01
painted my cases and added Telharmonic from Make Noise
10/12/17 21:00
discovered the modules from Mutable Instruments and some more from Erica Synths
02/12/17 20:55